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The Day the Sky Shattered Page 9
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Page 9
Ann brought over a chair and sat next to Banks while he lay in bed. She marveled at the young man...marveled how much he had gone through in the past month. Johnny Angelo walked in and smiled an understanding smile to Ann as she returned the same in kind. Then, in front of Johnny, she took Banks’ hand and held in between hers. The shaman took Banks’ other hand, inserted a needle, and hooked him up to an IV. The shaman chanted in Tlingit and somehow Johnny knew that Banks was getting the best medical advice possible.
When dropping Dassi off at the hospital for volunteer work, she asked Stan if he would check in on Murray. She told Stan he could bring over Peyton so that Murray could take a look. After all, Murray had explained in the past that if one broke a refrigerator cord, the refrigerator would stop working. And that was the analogy for the damage to Peyton’s optic nerves. It could never be plugged in again. Murray was always a man of science and a devoted Jew which at many times was a conflict in his epistemology. But he had learned in the past month that his knowledge of the world was coming under question. His daughter, a virgin, gave birth to a creature. He saw an entire town go mad. Women communicated by thought. Creatures jeopardized the townspeople and now animals attacked his habitat. Yes, Murray was having thoughts about everything. He was absolutely certain that Peyton would never see again. He was wrong. And this attacked his very soul...if he had one.
Mrs. Kadet fixed up Peyton and Tricia’s room while Julie took care of the rest of the upstairs. Tricia walked in and hugged her mom and thanked Mrs. Kadet. She closed her door, took off her clothes, and chomped on a piece of fresh gum. She slept and chewed and dreamt of mole pelts.
Mrs. Kadet thanked Julie for allowing them to stay in their safe place and took off to her house across the street. When she opened the door she saw her husband arranging Ms. Amor on the living room sofa. Mrs. Kadet smiled at the untrue thought that they were having an affair. She removed her Labor Day eye patch and waved to her husband as she climbed the stairs. What Mrs. Kadet did not know was that at the time of death of Evelyn Sands, an earwig hatched and was taking safe harbor in the hair of Ms. Amor. The petite flattened earwig was on a mission. A journey. Up the stairs and straight into the ear of Ms. Kadet.
Peyton was blinking his eyes as Murray blinded him with a blast of whiteness from his ophthalmological headlight. Murray leaned back. “Remarkable. Absolutely remarkable.”
Stan said, “Something, someone plugged the refrigerator back in.” Peyton giggled.
All was well on Skyline Boulevard. No creatures. No animals...well almost no animals. There was an earwig en route to the second floor of the Kadet’s house. The Monarch Raven landed on the roof of the Powers’ house. It pecked at the empty nest. And a single tear fell from its eye.
The Monarch Raven searched the Powers’ roof for evidence of the egg. During its investigation, it thought about the Great Spirit. The Spirit never lied, nor did its Old Soul lie. None of the Spirit’s extensions, such as Evelyn Sands, would lie about statements. When Evelyn Sands said that there would only be one animal guide to survive the day’s events, the raven knew that it would be the survivor. Despite the raven’s effort to protect the White Raven (and almost succeeding) it knew that the object of its affection would die by nightfall. This saddened the raven into a state of despondency. There were times during his many years that it craved for joy or sadness just to rid himself of facing the eternal ennui. Oddly enough, the Spirit knew that the physical world would face ennui daily if there were too much goodness in the world. The world needed conflict. It needed evil.
The Monarch Raven perked up when it investigated the gutter. It studied the egg remnants and concluded from the evidence that the egg hatched as opposed to a being broken by a fall or an attack. Yes, the raven had a chick. What did it look like? What was its gender? What was its color? Was it...immortal? Suddenly, the raven surged from depression to joy. The raven was a father. And at that instant, the yellow chick appeared and presented herself...a girl.
The yellow chick and the Monarch Raven knew instantly about their relationship. The raven fluttered and raised to see if the chick could follow. The Monarch was so proud. They flew off together to observe the city below. At a point where father and daughter saw the Eye of Mount Juneau, they landed on the summit. There was no evidence of a cylinder. They flew to the cylinder’s perceived height and once again, the raven knew that this was a contraption of the Spirit.
They took flight over the emerald forests and found the animals that earlier invaded Juneau. The animals were respectful to one another. Even the wolves and bears did not seem to be threatening. When they flew over Stephens Passage, they saw a walrus on a makeshift raft in the water. The walrus was surrounded by a pod of orcas and the whales let it swim to safety. The animal world was being over generous. Eagles didn’t attack. Scavenger birds didn’t scavenge. There was an abundance of kindness. The Monarch knew that the Spirit was hard at work at ‘raising Cain.’
During the quiet of Skyline Boulevard, there were noises emitted by the snoring of Ms. Amor on the Kadet’s living room sofa. The unwelcomed noise did not impede the upstairs journey of the earwig that seemed to be guided by the soul of Evelyn Sands. The Kadets were sleeping. The earwig is a nocturnal insect that enjoys settling in the darkness of crevices. It is a myth that they only enjoy the ears of humans, but this earwig slowly wrangled itself into the ear of Mrs. Kadet. There was nothing noticeably different about her once the earwig lodged itself in her canal. The earwig did have the power of suggestion and Mrs. Kadet would play an important role in the town’s future. The earwig had begun to figuratively plant its seeds of evil. The insect, with the soul of Evelyn Sands, would die in three weeks only to be reborn as a bird.
Banks was sound asleep as he held hands with Ann Abrams. One of his last waking thoughts was that in his previous life he was...well a race horse. A black race horse to be exact. In his dreams he was running the Kentucky Derby and his jockey was Sway Garland. She would never use the whip even though she held it. Instead she whispered sweetly into his ear and advised him when to pull near the rail, when to pass and when to give it his all in the stretch. He would win the Kentucky Derby with Sway Garland and go into history as they wrapped the garland of roses around his neck.
Ann was also sound asleep. She was dreaming of a Greek god that aroused a new sense of pleasure within her. His name was Eros, the god of attraction. And she was Psyche, the mortal woman with the totality of the human mind. He swept her up into his beating wings. He would fly over the heavens with her and land on Mount Olympus. He would make love to her and force her to lose her mind into him. Their union was special. But still it was god and mortal. How could love survive? And she would say to herself, “Don’t question this, Ann. Just enjoy.” And so she did and would never want to give it up...even though she was a nice Jewish girl from Juneau.
Johnny Angelo was sound asleep. He was thinking about women. They were always fawning over him. He could understand if he were rich and powerful that he would be the object of affection of many women. But he was not rich, he was not powerful and he couldn’t even pass his math exam without the help of the shaman. And yet, women threw themselves at him. All he had to do was smile and smell good. But it was only Ann that he cared about. Not only did he enjoy being with her, but because of her, he also wanted to be a better man. He wanted to learn more. Discuss or argue things at her level. He didn’t think that was feasible except in the area of spirituality. He knew that with the tutelage of the shaman, he could master the art. And then discuss spirituality with Ann on a higher level. With that new talent, she would admire him not for his good looks and his athletic build but for the whole package. This was his dream.
Peyton Powers dreamt irritating things. He cared for Plato and that bitch Evelyn Sands made his dog die. Only a few days ago, Peyton could have used his powers to get even. He would do something really evil like have a pack of wolves devour her. But he had lost his power as he gained his si
ght. He was sad to lose his mind’s eye that saw the universe the way he wanted it to be. Now he had to deal with the reality of others instead of the world of his own creation. This irritated him. Banks would no longer have to keep his bargain about Peyton driving his car since he was no longer a threat to him. Peyton had no power over Banks. Well his only satisfaction was that he knew that someone close to him was going to be the new Old Soul. The executioner.
Sway V
(Begin Sway Garland’s Narration)
I am dead. Dead to the physical world but very much alive in soul and spirit. In the physical world, I have been reborn as the chick raven. I may be in this state indefinitely because my father is the Monarch Raven and he is immortal. Wow, I feel like royalty. My mother, my deceased mother the White Raven, is of course mortal.
What you need to know is that I am one of the few in the physical world that remembers one’s previous life. Perhaps that is due to the fact that my vision quest had enlightened me to the existence of the Otherworld. But I disagree. I think I remember because I loved. Loved so intently. And in time, I was loved. I still love and I will love for always. So, I believe my remembrance of the essence of Sway Garland will always be with me. I shall always remember every sorrow and every joy and the name of Banks Blackhorse will always be impressed upon my consciousness. I also loved my people and it was my belief that one day I would be our tribe’s shaman. Perhaps in my new form I can function in some capacity as shaman.
I am discussing with my current father about my being Banks Blackhorse’s animal guide. My father has not decided if this is appropriate or not. My father at one time was my animal guide when I lived in the physical world. I asked the shaman if the Monarch Raven could protect and guide Banks Blackhorse. It was agreed. I would very much like to take my new father’s place. It has not been decided yet.
My new father feels that Banks is in danger. He has always been in danger and his bloodline has all been eradicated except for him. Thus, an experienced animal guide should remain with Banks. I think he is right, but he wants my opinion. I am so much in love with him that I am afraid my heart might overtake my mind. Additionally, a new Old Soul will most likely have Banks on its hit list. I wonder sometimes, if Banks dies, will he remember me in his new life? My new father says he thinks that this remembrance is a gift and that very few have been given that right. I think the wise thing to do is to allow my father to continue to watch over Banks and I will serve another. Yes it is clear now, my father should continue being Banks’ animal guide.
Right now I am being summoned by the shaman. That is part of the Hmong belief and this is my first summons in my new physical life. It has to do with my mother. The shaman has no body to bury for the funeral and wants my opinion of what should represent me. I told him whatever my mother wants is fine. She has a picture of me and Banks together. She also has pictures of me at my birthdays. I suggested for her to pick the picture she likes. Tell her I am happy in my new life. I could visit her and shape shift into my old self, but that might scare her. I asked the shaman to summon me again and I will follow his suggestions.
The shaman wanted me to be present in a soul calling ceremony known as a hu plig and wishes that I partake in protecting my mother’s apartment. I agreed and he told me that he’d contact me once he spoke to my mother. He explained that several other tribesmen died and asked me if I could keep in touch. The shaman told me about the wounded and I would have to watch after them and contact their families of souls. There was much to do. I am happy now that my new father will look after Banks.
During the time of my death, there was an instant when I entered the Otherworld. It was comforting and although that infinitesimal time lasted in the physical world for a nanosecond it seemed like a long time in the Otherworld. I met all my ancestral souls and felt their warmth. They welcomed me. Comforted me. They told me that I was lucky to have loved and be loved and that was important in life. They explained to me why evil was necessary in the scheme of things and why I needed to accept it. Another soul appeared during my Otherworld state...Evelyn Sands. I realized that she was my counterpart. It was like in the physical state of the earth, the Himalaya Mountain range had its counterpart. Turn the mountain range upside down and toss it into the Pacific Ocean and what is there is the Marianas Trench. The height of the mountain range equaled the depth of the trench. And that applied to good and evil. I guess I am the good and she the evil. We must both be present in both worlds. So in my new form I had to counteract her evil to maintain balance. We both must exist. And as my soul was thrust to the gutter of the Powers’ home, her soul was thrust across the street to the garden of Ms. Amor. I was to be a raven chick and she was to be some sort of insect. It seemed that I had a big advantage in the physical world...also my new state might be eternal while her new state was to be short. Where would she go next? What form would she take after being an insect? Would I be able to find out after her insect death? I would definitely need a mentor. Would it be my father...my new father?
And suddenly, I was thrust to the roof’s gutter on Skyline Boulevard and took my first step after crawling out of my shell. And I flew.
I want you to know that my recent death was instantaneous. Although it sounds horrid it was quick and since I died practically in an instant, my sense of pain had not reached the brain. My birth was painless too and since I my only recollection of my mother the White Raven was the fact that she was my animal guide for a short period of time, I do not feel the loss that my father feels.
Now comes the interesting part. I will visit Banks when the time is right. I will visit him in Sway’s shape. And I will please him like no man has ever been pleased. I must make it clear to him that he must go on and have relationships with other women. He must learn to love again. And maybe, rekindle his relationship with Ann. I will always love him and love includes wanting him to have the best physical life a person can have. I will visit him soon.
May your spirit sparkle.
It has been an exhausting month for Banks Blackhorse. Twice he has been involved in saving the city of Juneau. And in so doing, it has taken its toll on his being. He reached a point of numbness that actually was medicinal. It was necessary for him to forget about his labors, to avoid the lessons of his vision quest after he rid the town of creatures, and the numbness soothed the pain and agony of his love for Sway. But now he was being restored to consciousness. The IV, the herbs, the shaman’s chants and the warmth of Ann at his side were wearing off. The floodgates of emotional pain/loss were beginning to seep in. After a day of sleep, he opened his eyes.
His first sign of awareness was his holding hands with Ann Abrams. He noted that his other hand was attached to an IV. He felt hunger. Ann’s eyes widened and she smiled as she called the shaman, “He’s awake, Roger. Banks is awake.” The shaman came to Banks with one of his liquid concoctions and told Banks to drink. Bank welcomed the liquid and he noted that after digestion, some of his sadness was lifted.
He turned to Ann, “Good morning, Ann.” They let go of one another’s hands. Banks tried to sit up, but the feeling of vertigo settled him back to his supine position.
The shaman advised, “Banks, you will stay here for a couple of more days...don’t worry about your job at the school. All schools are closed until Monday. Marilyn and Carol have agreed to tend to your needs.” The shaman turned to Ann, “Time for you to be with your family, Ann. Thank you for your support...the prognosis is great thanks to you.”
Johnny Angelo stopped into the apartment and offered to drive Ann back to Skyline Boulevard. She promptly nodded. She bent down and kissed Banks on his cheek, “You’ve done it again, Chief. We are all in your debt. I’ll check back on you soon.” Johnny and Ann said their goodbyes and left.
Banks looked at Marilyn who carried a plate of fry bread. He took a bite and slowly chewed and swallowed. The shaman took Ann’s seat: “We’ve had several losses and we will bury the tribesmen and hold ceremonies this Sunday. A
s for Sway, we will follow the rules of the Hmong.”
The compound’s tribespeople were diverse with religion and therefore diverse with funerals. Some were devout Christians; some were agnostic, but all seemed to have spiritual beliefs. The different spiritual beliefs overlapped and the shaman understood and respected all. In the case of the mother of Sway Garland, the Hmong believed if someone died a violent death and especially was young that little time was used for ceremonial burials. That is because the Hmong believed that the more time used, the more the likelihood that it would attract negative spirits.
The shaman stressed to Banks that it was culturally taboo to show distress openly to Sway’s mother or others that were close to Sway. Reincarnation is the foundation of the Hmong faith. The ceremony is not about the Sway’s death but rather about her rebirth. The rebirth of her new life should be joyous. There will be a poem delivered by Sway’s mother and sorrow is to be avoided. The shaman advised Banks, “If you have tears for Sway, expel them now in privacy. The story regarding Sway’s death was that while in a fight with Peyton’s kidnapper, Sway became a casualty. No more information is necessary. Remember, Banks, you need to share in the joyousness of Sway’s rebirth with her mother. If you show sorrow, she will break down. This is the second loss for her where there was no body to display. The second loss of violent death. Your support to the mother and family and friends is to convey joy. You are the chief. That is your job.”
And, when the shaman stepped out, Banks emitted a flood of tears. It was necessary for him to mourn the loss now. In his most recent state of consciousness, Banks wanted to end it all. The thought of the loss of the girl he loved was too much to cope with. Once the flood of tears dried up he felt hope. He felt he could go on. He knew he was loved. He knew he had purpose. His wise shaman gave him a job that would validate his purpose to the tribe. He thought about his job at the blind school that started on Monday. Yes, Banks Blackhorse would live on. And with his new life, he would always be there to help the people who needed it most. He was Chief Banks Blackhorse. Chief of his people and chief of his own destiny.